I am going to go over the important issues of this presidential race one by on and see how I. a Christian ought to vote. Does one issue outweigh the other? What makes it a Christian issue? I will see.
I really could not find a list of official issues. SO I will be using the website http://www.2decide.com/table.htm to determine my baseline. I will start on the first one and work my way down.
Roe v. Wade
This is a no brainer in my opinion for Christians. Life is holy. Right to Life is sanctity of life. I think there is maybe a little wavering here to be done. Some believe in a right to live amendment. However, in a case of medical emergency, I believe the doctor and the woman should have a choice. I know I may receive some slack or guff from some people here, but whose life is more important? The womans or the baby? Again, this is in a case of dire medical emergency, not for convenience.
But for arguments sake....I and Christian should be against abortion. GOP 1 Dem 0
Death Penalty
Even the Bible teaches an eye for an eye. However this is not to be used as a personal punishment, but a sentence put forth buy a judge.
Genesis 9:6: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (KJV)
Numbers 35:31"Do not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer, who deserves to die. He must surely be put to death."
Numbers 35:33"Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it."
However, there is the case: When the Pharisees brought a woman who was caught in the act of adultery to Jesus and asked Him if she should be stoned, Jesus replied, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her" (John 8:7).
First of all, God does allow capital punishment. He also gave the power of punishment to the government. It is wrong and unscriptural to claim that God opposes the death penalty in all instances. We as Christians should never rejoice when the death penalty is employed, but at the same time, Christians should not fight against the government’s right to execute the perpetrators of the most evil of crimes.
But, both parties basically believe in the same ideas on this issue, so
These are the first 2 issues on the list. Let the flaming begin.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
WHAT AM I Part 2
Saturday, March 29, 2008
What Am I?
At times I wonder which political party I should be belong to. It seems like Christian people vote Republican today because of basically 2 issues-abortion and gay marriages. They may be Christians, but I think they miss the broad points oft spoken by Jesus; of helping the poor, making peace, protecting God’s creation and of accepting any who come to the table. I will also openly say here that I am not a perfect Christian either; there is no such person alive on this planet unless Jesus Christ Himself has already returned. For those of you that don’t follow Christian theology, the concept of Christians not being perfect, but forgiven, sums it up pretty well. The issues we should consider today are:(which I got from another blog http://christiandemocrat.us/blog )
1. The Economy – The GOP will forever favor big business and leave the small business owner in the dust of donation less requests. Democrats will use inspired programs to chase the worthy dreams of energy independence, environmental concerns and needed infrastructure improvements all of which will create jobs.
2. Fiscal Responsibility – Democrats don’t run up deficits. Yes, taxes may be higher but the selfishness of leaving a ton of debt to our children’s children is unconscionable. Worse, deficits sell our country out to the rest of the world. How much of this deficit is because of the war in Iraq? Which brings me to my next point.
3. End the War in Iraq – kind of a no-brainer, and truth is we will likely have forces there for some time but both Democratic Party candidates vow to bring our troops home. We support our troops without question. We do not support this war. I still believe the president did not like about the weapons of mass destruction. He received bad intel and acted on it. He just needs to admit it.
4. Immigration – all current candidates favor some form of immigration solution. It is an issue only in how we build better borders and how we indoctrinate those that are here that we will allow to stay. Very simply, as Reagan realized, we can’t afford to round up and send home 11 million people. We just need to put a cork in the bottle. But the juice that has already been spilled, just clean it up a little.
This is just a start. I am going to continue to examine what I do believe in the next few postings. Who are the truer Christians? Is it the Republicans because of the stance on abortion and gay marriages or is it the Democrats on the positions of helping the poor, preserving the Earth, and social issues? I have a outline in mind and plan to expand it more. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My Best Friend
Here is a picture of my best friend and me. It was taken on our Second Honeymoon cruise to paradise.
How good is her memory?
Will did she or didn't she? Or maybe she forgot it was videotaped? Either way, her memory is not to good.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Modern Day Truths from the1700's
That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. - Thomas Jefferson
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. - Thomas Jefferson
The natural process of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. - Thomas Jefferson