Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My life seems so hectic sometimes. With all the running around I did at work, talking to customers on the phone and running to Taco Bell, I forgot to post yesterday. I was going through my list of things I usually check in the morning and I saw the Useless Knowledge web log page staring at me in the face. I knew it right then that people were waiting for my knowledge and opinion of life. I had to post right away. People are relying on me.
But then there are times in my life that I am at a loss for words. Some days I do not fell very philosophical. Today is not one of those days. I know why I am here for....to bring joy into your lives. Just kidding. My joy is seeing others happy. I love seeing smiles on my kids faces when they get something they like, or when I congratulate them on something they did. My kids do bring me joy. So Jordon, Austin and Nicole, for all you do...this blogs for you.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fall is in the air. This time of year inspires me. The leavings are changing, there is a chill in the morning air and you can smell the burning leaves. I was up on the tallest building in the Illinois Quad Cities the other day and was looking at the bright array of the different color of leaves. It was so much different that the monotonous green leaves that I saw in the summer. Every tree seemed different. As the song and the scripture verse goes, "to everything there is a season, a time to change". It is the time for everything to die and prepare for the winter sleep. It is a time to get rid of the old and prepare for the new. Change is good...monotony is bad. As anyone who knows me, I like to be different. I try not to blend in with the everyday crowd. I am as diverse as they come, which is good. As a famous orator once said"Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get".
I know people have New Years resolutions, but what about fall resolutions. I resolve this fall to be as normal as I can, without giving up the uniqueness that I am known for.
See you next week....for it is the weekend!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


If I were a rich man, a ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum...

Not quite Fiddler on the Roof, but you got the point. Have you ever thought what would you do if you had money from an inheritance or won the lottery? Could you change your life or would you try to change the world? Would I try to improve my life as it is now, or would I put the money to use for the improvement of my kids lives in the future? Could I actually be happy in my present surroundings knowing I had millions in the bank? I would certainly hope so. At this time in my life, I am happy. Everything seems to be going the way that I want. I admit, I would pay off my bills, and maybe buy a few frivolous things, but I would remain working and in the same house. My kids are growing up and getting bigger and my wife is aging gracefully. She looks better now that she did the day I married her. I love my kids. I love my wife. I love my job. I love Coal Valley. It is probably the best little town in the Quad Cities.

So, as I look at it now, maybe I am a rich man! a ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Is it to early to stop saying"Wow, I can't believe I've kept this up" ? I just hate it when someone repeats something to you every time you see them because they can't remember they told you the same story the last six times they saw you. Or when every time the see you they ask you what are you doing now? Just because I had a dozen jobs in my lifetime, it does not mean I cannot hold down a job. I have room for improvement. I am always striving to get to that dream job. Right now, I love my job. "Hello, my name is Jeffrey......I am a geek". I have always liked computers and finding out new things about them. From my Timex Sinclair 1000 to my current HP-Compaq laptop, I am hooked. See, something does hold my interest. Wow, I can't believe I have kept this up.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Wow, this is my second post. Who would have thought that I would make it to day two? If you knew me 10 years ago, you would have known that I gave up on things way to early. I have been through so many hobbies and jobs. My whole life have been like a network executive trying to determine which sitcom is going to continue to run. I wish I had Nielson to help me decide. I want to more like M*A*S*H than the succeeder After M*A*SH. But, at least I am not like the worst sitcom of all time-Coprock.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Start?

This is my site about nothing. My wife says I am always full of useless knowledge, so I thought I would put some of it to good use. This will be a collection of my thoughts and ramblings. Some of it might be of some use to you, however, most of it won't. Join the journey into my head and try not to get lost.