Friday, October 26, 2007

Fall is in the air. This time of year inspires me. The leavings are changing, there is a chill in the morning air and you can smell the burning leaves. I was up on the tallest building in the Illinois Quad Cities the other day and was looking at the bright array of the different color of leaves. It was so much different that the monotonous green leaves that I saw in the summer. Every tree seemed different. As the song and the scripture verse goes, "to everything there is a season, a time to change". It is the time for everything to die and prepare for the winter sleep. It is a time to get rid of the old and prepare for the new. Change is good...monotony is bad. As anyone who knows me, I like to be different. I try not to blend in with the everyday crowd. I am as diverse as they come, which is good. As a famous orator once said"Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get".
I know people have New Years resolutions, but what about fall resolutions. I resolve this fall to be as normal as I can, without giving up the uniqueness that I am known for.
See you next week....for it is the weekend!!!!

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