Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rambling Man

Why is it every time I intend to do something, I find something else to do and forget about the original thing I was going to do? I seemed to be so unmotivated lately. I was going to sell a lot on eBay this year, but I got a little discouraged by a couple bad sells, and now it is hard to find the ambition to sell anything else. It doesn't help that eBay keeps changing the rules and changing their price structure. It might help thought at more people will probably do more shopping online due to the gas prices keeping going up. Now all I have to do is find that thing that people usually go out to buy but now are looking to purchase online.

Baseball season has been going good. The Cubs are 2 games up from the Cardinals, which anytime you are beating the Cardinals it is a good thing. Soriano has finally reached his playing potential , and the whole Cubs lineup is getting hits when they need to. This might be bad as they might peak to early, but if they can continue their pace, this might be their year. It is also nice to see Jim Edmunds switching from the darkside to the boys in blue.

Well, time to end. Enough rambling on for now.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where ya Been?

It's been awhile since I have posted on this site. I have been to Chicago for three days, been working a late shift at work, and been busy on my eBay junk. I figured it was time to sit down and ramble on a little bit.

Going Green- A little bit of irony happened at my kids school play two weeks ago. All three kids were in an Earth Day play at Horace Mann Elementary in Coal Valley. It was a play about the effects all of us have on the environment and what we could do to remedy it. One of the segments was the amount of Styrofoam we use in everyday life and the solution by using paper or reusable plastic. All went well after that in the play until refreshment time at the end. We went through the snack line and was ready to grab our punch and behold what did they serve it in? You make the guess. All I have to say is that the planning between the teachers and the mother who organized the refreshments should have taken more time and consideration.

Next, I have reading a little bit on the FairTax initiative (H.R. 25 2007). It has been an interesting read. It was co-authored by Neal Boortz, Rob Woodall and Georgia Congressman John Linder.
Wouldn't you love to abolish the IRS, keep all the money in your paycheck, pay taxes on what you spend, not what you earn, and eliminate all the fraud, hassle, and waste of our current tax system?
Then you'll enjoy reading this book. In the face of the outlandish American tax burden, talk-radio host Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder are leading the charge to phase out our current, unfair system and enact the FairTax Plan replacing the federal income tax and withholding system with a simple 23 percent retail sales tax on new goods and services. This revision of the current system, which would eliminate the IRS, has already caught fire throughout the United States, with more than 600,000 taxpayers signing on in support of it.

Thats enough rambling for now.....As in the words of the Governator "I'll be back".