Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rambling Man

Why is it every time I intend to do something, I find something else to do and forget about the original thing I was going to do? I seemed to be so unmotivated lately. I was going to sell a lot on eBay this year, but I got a little discouraged by a couple bad sells, and now it is hard to find the ambition to sell anything else. It doesn't help that eBay keeps changing the rules and changing their price structure. It might help thought at more people will probably do more shopping online due to the gas prices keeping going up. Now all I have to do is find that thing that people usually go out to buy but now are looking to purchase online.

Baseball season has been going good. The Cubs are 2 games up from the Cardinals, which anytime you are beating the Cardinals it is a good thing. Soriano has finally reached his playing potential , and the whole Cubs lineup is getting hits when they need to. This might be bad as they might peak to early, but if they can continue their pace, this might be their year. It is also nice to see Jim Edmunds switching from the darkside to the boys in blue.

Well, time to end. Enough rambling on for now.

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